IOFreq is Immortal Oscillatory Frequency
The mellifluous musical euphony that culminates in a galactic Big Bang of poise!
IOFreq energizes the listener with musical compositions that engender offbeat vibrations of vivaciousness and vibrancy, effectively eclipsing the otherwise quotidian snuffle, snork and schnorkel. Classification: Frug fugues, with counterpoint focal points, and expressive 4-D melodies.
Immortal Oscillatory Frequency's audioscapes function as a creative interplay of sounds and phrasing that quickens the senses. A lyrical rollercoaster ride of erudite bright sparks, thrilling and guiding the listener along a new intracranial route, somewhere between copasetic and rarefactive.
The music emanates unmatched iofrequality that is biofrequently resonant, creative and delectable, yet iofrequently euphonious.
The iofrequest continues . . .